Urine infections are a common ailment these days. Men and women can both be affected by this illness. If you follow certain guidelines and take the right medication at the right time, recovering from this condition is rather simple.
We talked about the matter with Dr. Dhaka Medical College medicine expert. With Tanjir Islam. Let's learn from him about the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of urine infection -
What is a Urine infection ?
Urine is the bodily fluid that excretes waste and extra water.. Our urinary system consists of the organs related to this process of passing urine. o kidneys make up the urinary system.
A bacterial infection in any part of the urinary system is called a urinary tract infection. In medical terms it is called 'urinary tract infection' or 'UTI'.
Symptoms of Urine Infection :
Among the many symptoms of a urinary tract infection are some of the most well-known symptoms. They are -
● Pain or burning during urination
● Urinating more frequently than usual
● Frequent urination at night
● Having unusual smelling or cloudy urine
● Sudden urge to urinate or difficulty keeping the urge
● Abdominal pain
● Blood in urine
● Pain behind the waist just below the ribs
● Fever or chills or chills
● Lower than normal body temperature
● Fatigue and nausea
The signs and symptoms of a urinary tract infection can change with age in addition to the ones listed above.
Those who have urinary tubes (catheters) or are old may notice the following noticeable changes:
● Abnormal behavior
● Mental confusion or anger
● New body tremors or tremors
● Ruining clothes by urinating
In children, there are some different symptoms along with the general symptoms. For example –
● Irritability
● Stop eating and drinking properly
● Fever or high body temperature
● Frequent urination or sudden onset of bedwetting
● Vomiting
Causes of Urine Infection :
Urine infections are typically caused by a variety of bacteria found in stool that enter the urinary system. The urethra or urinary tract allows these bacteria to enter the urinary system. Urinary tract infections can affect both men and women equally. Nonetheless, this condition is more common among women. This is due to the fact that the female urethra is substantially shorter than the male urethra.
Furthermore, the female urethra and the anus are extremely close in proximity. Consequently, there is a higher chance that bacteria from the anus will enter the urinary tract and result in a UTI.
Factors that increase the risk of urinary tract infections include:
● Not drinking enough water
● If there is a disease that obstructs the normal flow of the urinary system. For example: kidney stones
● If the vaginal region is not kept dry and clean
● If the immune system is reduced due to any reason. For example: Type 2 diabetes or HIV, chemotherapy or long-term use of steroids, pregnancy
● If there is a disease that prevents complete emptying of the bladder. For example: enlarged prostate in men, constipation in children or any disease of the nervous system.
● if the menstrual cycle ends permanently. We refer to this occurrence as the "menopause." In this instance, the drop in the hormone known as estrogen raises the chance of infection.
● If a tube or catheter is placed in the urinary tract
● If you have had a previous urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection is not always preventable but following some rules can reduce the risk of infection.
What to do :
● Clean from front to back when using toilet paper
● Keep genitals dry and clean.
● Drink plenty of water. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily
● Use a shower or bucket instead of a bathtub or pool
● Try to empty the bladder completely while urinating
● Wash the genital area with water before and after intercourse
● Urinate as soon as possible after intercourse
● Wear loose cotton underwear.
● Change diapers or cloth nappies regularly for 1 to 3 year olds.
What not to do :
● Do not actually hold the urine stream
● Do not rush while urinating
● Do not use scented soaps or talcum powder on the genitals
● Do not use tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics (eg: nylon).
● Do not wear tight pajamas
● Avoid sugary foods and drinks. These can help bacteria grow
● Do not use condoms or diaphragms that contain lubricants that destroy sperm. Instead, use a different type of condom and lubricant or an alternative method of birth control.
Treatment of urine infection :
Do not ignore symptoms of a urinary tract infection and seek the advice of a doctor. The doctor may prescribe a urine test as well as appropriate antibiotics if necessary.
It is important to finish the full course of antibiotics. Even if the symptoms begin to subside, the course of medication should be completed as per the prescription.
Symptoms usually begin to subside within 2-3 days of starting the medication. If the symptoms do not improve after completing a course of medication, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.
Why women are more affected than men
If the blood sugar level is high, there is a risk of urinary infection. The main cause of urinary tract infection is 'E coli bacteria'. These bacteria live in our intestines. Problems arise when these bacteria enter the body through the urinary tract.
Female genital structure is also responsible for urinary infections. Since its structure is open, it is difficult to use common toilets in workplaces, shopping malls. Apart from this, urine infection is caused due to period problems, regular intake of hormonal drugs etc.
In women, the anus is located near the urethra. Because of this, the problem of infection is very high. Urine infection can sometimes be caused by sex.